Saturday, April 05, 2014


Wildlife and Beauty of Uganda

Fish Eagle

Murchison Falls

Safari with Tori, Hardy, Hannah, Mark and Shanda

Hardy and monkey in a staring contest..

Awesome niece and nephew!!!
Our family at Thanksgiving

With good friend Semhar, who is now in Canada!

Visiting friends

Our son Meron

Our daughter Lidya

At a good friend's wedding

Refuge and Hope staff and friends from FBC Rome

Jade's trip to refugee camps in S. Sudan

Girls swimming in Lake other words getting Bilharzia

Tallest guy at the Center


Center of Hope Christmas Celebration... a party for a mere 800 + people. S. Sudanese students dressed Shelah in their traditional clothes for the celebration

Baby "Jade" is born.

We will always remember his birthday because it is the same as Anna-Grace's birthday!!

The Acker girls
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Merry Christmas 2013
Thank you to Nana and Papa and Mimi and Paw-Paw

Lidya's Christmas present... a HUGE bottle of ketchup.. her favorite "food"

Meron's gift thanks to Aunt Melody!

Thank you Mimi!!! Now we can read all day long and especially on trips!

And the biggest surprise of all... Meron got his bass guitar at long last.

Yes Beau, he cried.  Thanks!

All the guys opening their Christmas presents

Meron and Lidya

In tribute to turning 40, Shelah decided to take 40 jumps in various locations...


Will spare you from having to see all 40...

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