Wednesday, February 09, 2011

KJ and Shelah
Making a gingerbread house with Mommy

I am still not sure it was worth the sweat and tears...but must agree it was a pretty impressive undertaking... :) It was devoured on Christmas day so at least it wasn't only for looks.
Going out to the source of the Nile in Jinja

With Nana and Papa
AG is 5!!!!

Opening presents

We had her party at "Wonder World" the local version of an amusement park
On the rollercoaster

Tea cups


Fall "Rain" Festival at school. Each class picked an international city and decorated their classrooms, dressed up in costumes and participated in a parade. AG's Kindergarten class chose London as their city. Here they are with Big Ben in the parade.

AG was the Queen of England

KJ's class chose Agra, India

She was very pleased when she won an award for her outfit

KJ hanging out with Angelo at home

Lucky for us we have friends here with the US Embassy who invited us to be their guests at the Marine Ball in Kampala!!

It was a nice rare event to get all dressed up and go out! (did we actually do things like this before kids??)

Thanksgiving Dinner
We had a full house with 30 people and 14 kids!

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