Jade was asked to lead the invocation which was cool (he did a good job)...it was great fun and we got to dance and enjoy the evening with some really good friends of ours.

We were happy to be invited to some of our student's from the Center of Hope's house for the celebration.
AG and Daddy
Delicious Food - it was a FEAST!!

KJ playing with her friends

Ackers and Host
As it was time to leave we noticed that AG and KJ were nowhere to be found...we thought they were in the back of the house playing, but then were told they had left the house and compound with some of the other small children!!! Trying to remain as calm as possible and not panic we sent out three different search parties to go through the slums looking for them. Thankfully, as the only blonde in the area, AG's hair was spotted by a friend from a distance as she walked past a small passageway. I have to admit the relief was immense to find them again. They were completely unaware of anything even after we explained that they cannot just leave someone's house and go wandering all over the place without telling us...they only talked non-stop about all the chickens and goats they had been able to see. Oh, my...

This picture was taken after they were found again!!
Thanks for the reminders of what we should be thankful for!! Love the pictures. Melody
I bet the ball was fun. We went to the Air Force Ball in Philadelphia this year and had a blast! How scary about losing the girls- I am so glad they were found safe.
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