When she woke up in the morning she ran and jumped in our bed and said "Yea!! I am four today...and then soon I get to be five and have another birthday party!!!"
Butterfly cake!
Blowing out the candles


We also enjoyed celebrating Angelo's (Taban) birthday in December.

It was a fun party and she is already planning the next one in detail.

He and the other guys who are at school in Kenya spent the Christmas holidays with us in Kampala. It was great to see him again and he is doing really well!!
It was quite impressive as Saudi and Lino were able to do 440 pounds on the leg press...not bad!
Saudi in the pool
Acker family with SANTA (guess who??) at a friend's house


Angelo and "Santa"
It was really fun and he was a really amazing Santa!! Anyone need to hire a Santa for next year???
K-J wasn't thrilled about sitting on Santa's lap until she knew who it was.
Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve
AG insisted on being Mary and the rest did a variety of jobs including shepherds, wise men, angels, innkeepers and even a donkey...here is a photo of the award winning cast
Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus in a manger

Jade and Saudi built the house and several others worked on painting it. Jade was up putting on the finishing touches till nearly midnight Christmas Eve.
We modeled the doll house after one that Shelah's parents have in the States so when the girls ran in the living room the next morning, AG stopped and stared and said, "how did this get here from Alabama?"
K-J enjoying some of her gifts
What Kaelah-Joy really liked was the candy cane she found in her stocking. She enjoyed the candy cane so much she forgot about everything else and concentrated soley on consuming it until she was a sticky mess. There is still candy cane residue on most of the toys she got for Christmas...which brought out the ants in full force.
Thank you to Mimi, Paw-Paw, Nana, Papa, and all my Aunts and Uncles and cousins!!!
Once the candy cane was over and KJ realized there was a bicycle there, she was quite the fearless rider.
Having six Sudanese young men with us for the holidays made it a very eventful time with never a dull moment. For more on them, see our Refuge and Hope blog!!!


Here they are all dressed up and ready to go celebrate Christmas at the Sudanese church.
Lino looking quite grown up
Lino and Angelo, who has grown several inches since the last time we saw him in August
The guys opening their Christmas presents!! How fun!! Thank you to all who gave to help make this a special Christmas for them!!
They also drew names among themselves and bought each other presents, so it was fun seeing what they picked out for each other.
The girls got lots of attention and had endless people around to play games with them

KJ will be celebrating her 2nd birthday next month!
Helping Josephine do the dishes
AG singing a duet in her end of school chapel service

She has been taking a ballet class once a week which she really enjoys

This was a big first for AG...head under the water and hands not touching the bottom! Can't help but wonder if this next year will be a year full of "firsts" for all of us...whatever is in store we are thankful for God's grace and guidance and promise to provide and sustain.
Happy New Year Everyone!!!